Indigenous Presenter/Creator Program

The Indigenous Presenters/Creators Program (IPP) connects Indigenous arts and culture presenters, event producers, and arts leaders from all across the Atlantic coast. The vision of IPP is to empower regional Indigenous communities to cultivate an Indigenous-led network to uplift Indigenous artists working in dance, music, theatre and creative arts. Indigenous leaders gather throughout the year to connect, exchange, and discuss the challenges and best practices for building touring networks within and between their communities, as well as to envision a future that celebrates Indigenous arts and culture in Atlantic Canada.

Indigenous Presenter/Creator Gathering

APA has assembled a group of 35 Indigenous community based presenters in the region; general event and powwow, and provides funding for these annual gatherings. These gatherings until now have been organized and administered by APA staff, who do not identify as Indigenous. For the 2022 Gathering, we contracted First Light Centre for Performance and Creativity (an organization that serves the urban and non-urban Indigenous populations and non-Indigenous communities alike with a wide range of programs and services rooted in revitalization, strengthening and celebration of Indigenous cultures and languages) in St. John’s NL, who provided the staff and space to organize and host the gathering. APA assisted as needed and supported the gathering financially, but actively stepped back to make space for Indigenous people to decide how they wanted to gather.

In 2022 funding was made available to support increased autonomy for the Indigenous Presenter Program within APA’s organization – Indigenous program, Indigenous run. We were able to hire Brit Johnson to fully manage the program.

Brit Johnston (she/her) is the Indigenous Presenters Program Coordinator. Brit is an artist, creative producer, and community activator from Genabaajing Anishinaabek/Serpent River First Nation, ON. She specializes in festival/events, production management, and community engagement best practices. She has worked with notable performing arts organizations including CAPACOA, NAC Indigenous Theatre, Prismatic Arts Festival, Indigenous Music Summit, and Ottawa Fringe. Rooted in her Anishinaabe culture, Brit is passionate about uplifting Indigenous voices and facilitating meaningful connections between artists, organizations, and communities.

The third annual Atlantic Indigenous Presenters Gathering took place at Neptune Theatre in Kjupuktuk/Halifax, Mi’kma’ki/NS, in May 2023. The gathering was hosted by the Atlantic Presenters Association (APA), in partnership with the Indigenous Performing Arts Alliance (IPAA), and the Canadian Association for the Performing Arts (CAPACOA). Brit also hosted a group of Atlantic Indigenous event producers and managers on behalf of APA during the 2023 Contact East conference in Woody Point, Ktaqmkuk (NL). The 2024 Indigenous Presenters Gathering was held in Kjupuktuk/Halifax, Mi’kma’ki/NS, in May 2024, organized by Lisa Neault with support from APA.

IPP is graciously supported by the Department of Canadian Heritage and the Province of Nova Scotia.

Want to join the network?

Just e-mail with the subject IPP and we will share further details with you!